Revamped Gifted Education Programme will lighten teachers’ workload, says Chan Chun Sing


In terms of how MOE may allocate assets, such as professional teachers and facilities to help schools in implementing high-ability programmes, Mr Chan said a” little adjusting” will be made for teachers in “regional centres”.

These institutions are some scattered throughout Singapore where pupils enroll in after-school courses. &nbsp,

The ministry wants to make sure there are enough teachers to teach the modules, and he also wants to make sure that students do n’t have to travel too far to attend them, he added.

” So perhaps in every city, a few schools may come together to form a grouping, and we will have probably somewhat more… schools than the current nine that will allow us to perform for local programs,” he said.

According to Mr. Chan, these regional centers can also be relocated depending on how many individuals are distributed across the beach.


In response to a question about families ‘ beliefs, Mr. Chan addressed how MOE intends to persuade parents to adopt the idea that all schools are good ones.

Heng Swee Keat, a former minister of education, made the adage” Every college, a great class” over a decade ago as Singapore attempted to stop putting an excessive emphasis on academic achievement.

Parents should take into account whether a school is a good match for their kid at their current developmental period, according to Mr. Chan, and most importantly, what the child chooses.

” I want all our children to grow up taking responsibility for their own choices”, he added.

” Of course, parents say: ‘ Oh no, you ca n’t make my child make such decisions when they are at this age.’

” But if you think back to when we were younger, we all learned to make such decisions and we did n’t end up doing so badly, because perhaps our parents were n’t as educated and allowed us to choose, but they also taught us to take responsibility for our own decisions when we were younger. &nbsp,

” I think we need to ( give ) our children this space to make decisions and have the space to make decisions”, Mr Chan said.