Repairs ’caused beam plunge’

A fact-finding committee investigating why the beam on a U-turn bridge on Rama II highway collapsed and fell on to three passing vehicles on the night of July 31, killing a couple and injuring 2 others, has determined its investigation into the cause of the event.

The main cause was discovered to be a missing reinforcement which is believed to are actually removed when the top concrete slab from the bridge was disassembled previously for in-depth repairs, Pisak Jitviriyavasin, the deputy long term secretary of the Transportation Ministry, said the other day.

This particular missing piece can be believed to have triggered the outermost framework to become distorted plus weakened the support, he said, citing a preliminary report from the committee.

The irregularities observed in the beam had been unlikely to be connected to a fire caused by a car accident involving a petrol tanker that occurred on the bridge on June 19, 2005, as was previously believed, Mr Pisak mentioned.

Concerning repairs, the Division of Highways desires to finish redesigning the particular bridge by the end of next month with construction slated to start in October after a community hearing and consider in December, he added.

Prior to the bridge is officially reopened, the department and the Engineering Institute of Thailand may run joint checks until they are particular it meets the particular safest engineering standards, he said.

Mr Pisak said he had purchased the committee in order to compile its findings and submit the formal report to the transport minister as quickly as possible, along with an plan of action.

As for the compensation plan for impacted parties, the Division of Highways continues to be instructed to speed up the payment associated with damages.