Renting a place in Singapore: Women share their tips on finding the perfect home, from location to housemates

And as much as you might prefer to stay with other women, that can be tricky, especially when you have to factor in everything else on your wish list, such as budget, location, room size, and so on,

Koh and Mao, who currently have both male and female housemates, said they haven’t encountered any issues or felt unsafe living with their male housemates.

“What’s more important is having housemates who are around the same age as I am, and who are working,” said Koh, who is 28, and has been renting for the last two years.

So instead of fixating on the gender, Koh suggested focusing on creating a friendly environment to “make yourself feel comfortable living with others”. Make it a point to chat with your flat mates when you see them or even share food ever so often. 


Sure, we’ve heard the horror stories, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live happily and peacefully in your flat-share.

“Establishing general house rules and being transparent with each other is important,” said Koh. For instance, coming up with a duty roster to clean the common areas, like the living room, kitchen and shared toilets, or hiring a part-time cleaner to help with the chores.