Qantas illegally fired 1,700 workers at start of pandemic, court rules

Ground staff at Sydney airportshabby pictures

A request by Qantas to reverse a decision that it fraudulently outsourced 1,700 jobs during the pandemic has been rejected by Australia’s highest court.

The ship had unjustly laid off workers at 10 airports in 2020, the court universally ruled.

According to the decision, Qantas violated Australia’s Fair Work Act, which safeguards individual rights.

According to Qantas, freelancing is a required financial strategy.

The airport has come under fire from the government in recent weeks after making record earnings despite a number of scandals surrounding its actions throughout the crisis.

Additionally, Qantas has been charged with supporting a state prevent on the growth of Qatar Airways flights to and from Australia, which, according to detractors, may include increased market competition and decreased airfares.

In the midst of the mounting conflicts, long-term flight director Alan Joyce announced his departure from the airport two months earlier than scheduled next year.

The finding, according to The Transport Workers Union, one of the main organizations representing workers that filed the case, is evidence that” the entire Qantas table may be replaced by new executives including a worker agent.”

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