Public transport fare hike is small compared to the increase in operating costs, analysts say

Additionally, analysts noted that regular travel and concession pass prices either remained constant or fell.

Single-trip and occasional commuters will pay more than” heavy” public transportation users, according to Assoc Prof. Theseira.

He said,” I think this makes sense because this is the custom in several places to ensure that those who are entirely dependent on the public transportation system are more protected, as they are frequently from the lower income groups as well.”

After all, one trip users also include commuters who are less likely to rely on public transportation or tourists who we probably don’t want to subsidise.

Lower-income households will also receive Mho$ 50 worth of public transportation tickets from the government.


According to experts, suffer increases are unlikely to continue to rise in the coming years.

According to Assoc Prof. Theseira, the PTC may keep using income increases to determine how much to raise charges for public transportation.

There may not be much space to spread the fare quantum if wages don’t increase tremendously.

According to Assistant Prof Fan of SMU and Assoc Prof Ong of NUS, the PTC aims to more evenly spread the amount increases.

According to Assoc Prof. Ong, the increases could last for up to 10 percent over the coming years, with a portion of the maximum raise being rolled over each time until prices and energy prices stabilize.

The deferred enhances can then be transferred to customers, he said.

Assistant Professor Fan holds a comparable opinion.

According to him,” What they’re trying to do is try to smooth out the increases and not have like one eye-watering amount, and then like no increase the following year.”

They’re attempting to control it. However, it’s a bargain, and it really depends on how the universe and other factors change.