SINGAPORE: 98.5 per cent of Primary 6 students who sat for the Primary School Leaving Examination ( PSLE ) made it to secondary school.  ,
The PSLE results were , released from 11am , on Wednesday ( Nov 20 ).  ,
A total of 40, 894 Primary 6 students sat for the PSLE this year, said the Ministry of Education ( MOE ) and Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board ( SEAB) in a joint press release on Wednesday.
Full subject-based banding , was fully implemented in about 120 extra schools from the 2024 Secondary 1 population.
Under full subject-based banding, students who are eligible for Posting Groups 1 and 2 may offer English, mother tongue languages, mathematics, and science at a more demanding level from Secondary 1 based on their Achievement Level ( AL ) scores for the respective subject.
Under the AL program, Primary 6 students will receive ALs of 1 to 8 for each of their four content, with 1 being the best rating and 8, the lowest. These ALs may be combined to create the total report.  ,
Students who received an AL 5 or better on a PSLE Standard topics may enroll in the course at G3 or G2, and those who received an AL 6 or AL A on a PSLE Foundation topics may enroll in the course at G2.  ,
About 65 percent of students in the 2024 Primary 6 cohort you take at least one issue in a more challenging level.  ,
This is comparable to the previous year’s population, said MOE and SEAB.  ,
Individuals who did not receive a secondary education have the option to reclaim the PSLE the following month.  ,
According to MOE and SEAB, they may also apply to Assumption Pathway School and NorthLight School on the advice of their primary school director, adding that both institutions offer customized programs with more “experiential and hands-on learning technique.”
Eligible students will receive a Secondary 1 opportunity form along with their PSLE results. Important details about the school choice distribution are provided on the type.
On the top right corner of the option form is a unique Secondary 1 personal identification number ( S1 PIN ).
Students can log into the Secondary 1 computer system using their S1 PIN to make website decisions and choices about their studies.  ,
The online program is available from 11.30am on Nov 20 to 3pm on Nov 26 via MOE’s Secondary 1 Posting , site.  ,
Students and parents are advised to take into account a wide range of factors when selecting a secondary class that would be a good match for the child’s general education needs, strengths, and interests.
” This includes the school’s special programmes, content offerings, co-curricular activities, attitude, culture, location and support for special education needs, if required,” said MOE and SEAB.
Individuals who have a PSLE rating higher than the school’s cut-off items from the previous year are urged to include at least two to three schools in their six choice lists. They added that this will help them get a spot in one of their favorite institutions.
More details on the products by the 140 extra institutions taking part in the 2024 Secondary 1 Posting Exercise is accessible via MOE’s , SchoolFinder , site.
Before making a decision, MOE and SEAB advised parents and students to take the time to check out the websites and social media sites of the institutions as well as participate in their open houses.  ,
SECONDARY 1 Publishing Outcomes
Between December 18 and December 20, the effects of the posting will be made public. Any of the following programmes is where you can find the posting benefits:
- Short Message Service ( SMS )
- Secondary 1 net system , using the person’s birth certificate number/FIN and the S1 PIN
- The student’s main university
When students receive their Secondary 1 posting benefits, they are not required to report to their assigned extra schools. Instead, they should check the websites of the schools where they were posted for more details, such as the publication listing, book purchases, and uniform purchases.  ,
Parents of approaching Secondary 1 students who are Parents Gateway may also receive instruction from their designated schools as soon as the results are made public.
Students should immediately inform the secondary school of their placement status if they are able to report to their posted intermediate school on January 1st, 2025, for any reason, after receiving their posting benefits.