Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers among those to benefit from Indonesia’s expanded free meal initiative

JAKARTA: The Indonesian government plans to expand its proposed completely meals program to incorporate toddlers, breastfeeding mothers, and pregnant women. &nbsp,

The Free Nutritious Meal Programme, which is now known as the Free Nutritious Meal Program, was originally intended to be available to both children and school-going kids as part of a campaign to combat child nutrition in the nation. It is currently being implemented from 2025. &nbsp,

However, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati made the announcement during a plenary session of the Indonesian House of Representatives on Tuesday ( Aug 27 ) that the program would be expanded, adding that this would help raise nutritional standards, advance cognitive development, and stop stunting. &nbsp,

Antara news agency quoted her as saying that the government has allocated 197.8 trillion rupiah ( US$ 12.8 billion ) to the health budget for next year, with a priority on stunting prevention.

Stunts are the impaired growth and development that children experience as a result of inadequate nutrition, repeated infections, and inadequate psychosocial excitement, according to the World Health Organization. &nbsp,

Indonesia has already made significant progress in this regard, lowering stunting rates from 37.2 percent to 21.5 % over the past ten years. Yet, Ms Sri Mulyani emphasised the need to promote this development.

A premier action of President-elect Prabowo Subianto, the program first targeted school toddlers, elementary school students, junior high school students, senior high school students as well as kids enrolled at spiritual schools. &nbsp,

It was formerly known as the Free Lunch program before changing its name to what it is now in May. &nbsp,

The initiative aims to increase student nutrition intake and increase their potential scientific benefits, among other things, by encouraging school attendance and lowering dropout rates.

Local media also reported that the program aims to encourage local micro, small, and medium enterprises ( MSMEs ) by promoting economic growth of around 0. 10 % and creating approximately 820, 000 job opportunities. &nbsp,

The ambitious program will be carried out through MSMEs ‘ involvement in public kitchens.

For 2025, 71 trillion ringgit has been allocated for the free food program, covering food costs, supply, and operating expenses of the previously established National Nutrition Agency. &nbsp,

Before its general execution next time, the program is currently being tested in Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. &nbsp, &nbsp,