Popular peacemaker earns fond farewell

Yala: Representatives of those who supported the secretary-general of the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre (SPBAC), who was recently transferred to the Office of the Permanent Secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office on Monday, asked the cabinet to review the order.

Manayi Wapi, a local representative, said that people had first been sceptical of Rear Adm Somkiat Ponprayoon because of his military role. However, he had proven over time that his attempts to promote peace and solve drug problems were genuine.

“A lot of people in the southernmost provinces were saddened by the news of his transfer. We still want to see Rear Adm Somkiat help local people because he has understood problems in the area well,” Mr Manayi said.

Somkiat: Sudden transfer a shock

Mr Manayi was among a group of local people and representatives who turned up to say goodbye to him on Monday, bringing along farewell bouquets donated by various civil, religious and charity groups from the three southernmost provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat.

They went to see him after hearing that he had been suddenly transferred to take up the role of an advisory expert at the Prime Minister’s Office before his retirement in September this year.

Ismail Lutfi Japakiya, Rector of Fatoni University, said that Rear Adm Somkiat had contributed greatly to Buddhist and Muslim communities in the deep South.

He wished that the decision by the cabinet could be reconsidered as it might be more beneficial than recruiting a new secretary-general for the SPBAC.

Srisompob Jitpiromsri, a professor from Prince Songkla University and an expert on the deep South unrest, said that the transfer suggested that there was a political agenda to replace Rear Adm Somkiat.

Rear Adm Somkiat said that he was surprised by the order because, on Feb 21, he had applied for a one-year extension of his term so that he could delay his retirement.

However, he said that he would dutifully accept the order.