Although there is no treatment for PCOS, the condition may be managed. Dr Viargot- French said the aim is to minimize signs, address fertility challenges, and prevent or treat related longer- term complications.
She noted that great power of ailments can be achieved through life changes and, if necessary, health care.  ,
Important factors in reducing the negative effects of indicators are diet and exercise.  ,
A great diet includes high- fabric vegetables like broccoli, muscular protein like fish, and anti- aggressive foods like yellow and tomatoes.  ,
When it comes to training, WHO suggests 150 hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity each year, preferably spread across several lessons.
“PCOS made me feel more informed about my health”, Nur said. ” I exercise a lot, I take care of what I eat, and I feel more loving towards my body – despite the challenges” . ,
Research have shown that losing five to ten percent of body weight can recover ovulation, control the menstrual cycle, increase the chances of maternity, and reduce the long-term risks of 2024-06-11