Pollinating flowers, controlling pests: New ‘hotels’ for insects open in Mandai

The ants play an important role in pollinating a wide range of species, including Singapore’s native species, and you visit up to 100 species periodically, said Mr Jagan Thanapal, mind guard in Mandai Wildlife Group’s pet care section.

They are so crucial to the habitat that Mandai Wildlife Group has a group that deals with blisters that show up.

Starting with insects in 2018, and expanding to genus bees the next year, it is a part of ongoing efforts to preserve and safeguard important pollinators found in Mandai’s gardens.

” Hives are a common view throughout our playgrounds”, said Mr Thanapal.

” At that point, we learned that there was no experience in the Mandai Wildlife Reserve’s stingless bee hives, which caused some hives to be exterminated rather than relocated.”

The group, which now consists of eight people, began developing inner experience within the organization focusing on insect creatures. Every time a colony is reported, they determine whether transfer is essential.

According to Mr. Thanapal, who added during an exam in December that nothing had been carried out up to that point in 2024, the team did on four layoffs on average annual between 2019 and 2023.

The genus bees normally avoid aggressive behavior and pose no threat to people.

” Like any other creatures, including humans, the bees will protect themselves if they feel threatened”, he said.

They use their talons to grab onto strands, creating a problem by buzzing about and trying to trap themselves in the victim’s hair, more than stinging, because their upsets are too small to be effective, he said.

Bees are particularly susceptible in the presence of human crowds because of their unique mating habits, which include placing them on man-made structures, trees, and perhaps steep crevices.

” The motions, sound or physical disruption caused by masses, may stress the ants”, explained Mr Thanapal.

” Also, if a hive is in a high-traffic area, there is a risk of accidental injury to the nest”.