Police seize B10m vaping hardware in Chiang Mai

Police announce the seizure of over 30,000 items of vaping hardware at a press conference at the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) in Bangkok on Monday. (Photo supplied)
At a press conference held on Monday at the Central Investigation Bureau ( CIB ) in Bangkok, police announced the seizure of more than 30 000 pieces of vaping hardware. ( Photo supplied )

After a raid at a storehouse in Chiang Mai, Thailand’s Central Investigation Bureau ( CIB ) reported on Monday that police seized over 30 000 pieces of vaping hardware worth ten million baht.

The government’s enforcement actions against popular smoking among young people led to the attack. &nbsp,

By contacting consumers via the Line program, the research team discovered an e-cigarette retailer called” Yai Vape” that sells a variety of products through its website.

On August 15th, authorities from the Consumer Protection Division raided a home in the San Sai city that was the place where the goods were kept in stock. Authorities seized 31, 790 smoking devices including biodegradable and reusable vapes, e-liquid, pods and smoke tanks, totally for about 10 million baht.

Simply Mr. Saranyu was the owner of the store, according to the user. At a press conference on Monday, police said he had been accused of selling illegal goods in violation of the Consumer Protection Act and of concealing improper goods in violation of the Customs Act.

According to the police, the cigarettes were reused numerous times and were made to appeal to young people in milk or chocolate flavors. Also, they were created in fashionable styles, such as animation shapes, enabling younger people to shadow them from their parents. One vaper was found to be a child aged only twelve, authorities added. &nbsp,

Since e-cigarettes are also prohibited in Thailand, authorities said, trade restrictions must be more strictly enforced because the items were discovered to be improperly imported from outside the country.

Police raid at a house storing vaping products in Chiang Mai on Aug 15. (Photo supplied)

On August 15, officers in Chiang Mai, Thailand, assault a home where vaping products are stored. ( Photo supplied )