Police officer suicide: Workplace racism allegations in SPF will be investigated as disciplinary breaches, says Shanmugam


Additionally, according to SGT Uvaraja, his better tore up his leave application in 2019 and posted a picture of it in the group talk.

SGT Uvaraja had requested a period of discretionary time out, which does not call for the distribution of this form. When other soldiers ‘ leave had already been approved, he submitted this program at the last minute, but his better still approved it, according to Mr. Shanmugam.

He had done so before, not for the first day. Mr. Shanmugam added that on previous situations, his teammates who were on left had to be called back to make up for the labor shortage.

The better of SGT Uvaraja in this instance spoke to him about upsetting the team. SGT Uvaraja continued to request a time down and asked the better to end their private chat.

The excellent finally destroyed the leave form and recorded himself doing it on the team chat group. He claimed that the form’s inclusion of specific knowledge and lack of requirement led him to take this action.

The lawyer’s conduct, according to Mr. Shanmugam, was not professional. Even though one may realize his discontent, he should not have done that.

The better was therefore reprimanded after Uvaraja brought this issue up the chain of command. In order for both officers to have some time to cool off, Uvaraja was partially transferred to a different device.

Mr. Shanmugam took note of SGT Uvaraja’s additional claims that another bosses had abused him.

Studies did not back up these charges. In fact, according to Mr. Shanmugam, SGT Uvaraja frequently called or sent direct information to his leaders, who responded to him politely.

Smoking, SMOKING,” COVER- UP” OF Officials

Mr. Shanmugam disputed SGT Uvaraja’s claims that other soldiers ‘ wrongdoing was covered up.

In 2021, SGT Uvaraja filed a complaint about other commanders vaping inside police stations. He claimed that this was a lie.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, the commander of SGT Uvaraja took action based on this information and gave the order for an independent excellent from a different unit to do an unexpected check. Despite the problem just being directed at a few particular officers, every locker and individual item in the police compound was checked.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, the officers were questioned and the problem was not made out.

The identity of SGT Uvaraja as the whistleblower was kept a secret from the officers or the separate better.

SGT Uvaraja separately reported another officials for smoking inside a distinct police element in January 2023. The officials were reported to the officer’s Internal Affairs Office and disciplined when facts of this was found during investigations, according to Mr. Shanmugam.


SGT Uvaraja’s claims that he was badly held up in his profession and given unjust performance appraisals were therefore addressed by Mr. Shanmugam.

These are misleading, Mr. Shanmugam declared.

Like his associates in the Police Land Divisions, Uvaraja was given the chance to apply for comments. Wherever possible, Uvaraja’s leaders had facilitated and acceded to his calls when he asked to remain transferred.

He was moved to six different work models in nine years at SGT Uvaraja’s plea, which was significantly more than usual, Mr. Shanmugam continued.

Two of these exchanges were related to his reporting regarding the alleged smoking offenses as a result of his uneasy working relationships with the coworkers.

Regarding his performance evaluations, Mr. Shanmugam claimed that investigations had revealed that “his performance grades” “were a fair judgment of his work contributions.” The COVID-19 Endurance Medal was even given to him.


SGT Uvaraja claimed that his crew had invited him to his marriage, but no one showed up, and that they had treated him like an outcast.

This, according to Mr. Shanmugam, is unfounded. Only his officer-in-charge, who accepted the invitation but was unable to attend due to illness that morning, was invited by SGT Uvaraja. He expressed regret for this to SGT Uvaraja.

SGT Uvaraja informed his commanding officer of the bride as well, but he did not extend an offer. However, the commanding officer gave him a standing ovation in front of his friends.


The professional assistance SGT Uvaraja received from SPF in the midst of issues with his home and health was therefore described by Mr. Shanmugam.

Since 2017, the sergeant has undergone numerous mental consultations for chronic insomnia and appears to be dealing with mental stresses.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, he showed signs of anxiety and depression as well as a “tense connection” with his wife and family.

SGT Uvaraja’s partner called the police in April 2023 following a local dispute. His brother, mother, and sister-in-law also filed police reports about altercations involving the commander in July 2023, the month of his death.

At the time of his passing, SGT Uvaraja was the subject of three administrative and judicial studies. Second, he was being investigated criminally for crimes that included violations of the Protection from Harassment Act.

Second, despite being on clinical leave and leaving his home on several occasions in July 2023, the man was the subject of a disciplinary investigation. In SPF, this is a administrative offense.

Third, he was subjected to a second administrative analysis in April 2023 for failing to complete unfinished tasks and delaying doing so until instructed to do but three times.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, SGT Uvaraja received skilled support from the police in the form of extended leave, counseling, and coaching.

He took an average of 120 days of leave per year from 2014 until his dying in 2023, which is “much more” than an agent had generally receive, according to the minister.

In 2015 and 2022, this included more than 100 days of no-pay left, and in 2016 it was over 200 time. After using up all of his health and yearly left, he was given the time off.

He was given a para-counsellor twice: once in January 2023 when he claimed to be experiencing job stress and again in February of the same year when, at his request,” signs of being fragile” were observed. On the next situation, a police psychologist even treated him.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, SGT Uvaraja’s bosses judged his performance to be below average. They led him through face-to-face interactions, going over his intentions, and establishing manageable goals.

According to the minister, the sergeant “was given several work templates and resources to help him” while he worked for the community policing unit from 2018 to 2021.

SGT Uvaraja’s coworkers expressed their sadness over his suicide as well as their disappointment at his untrue assertions about the authorities power, Mr. Shanmugam continued.

When Uvaraja was given a new posting, one of the officers who had partnered with him said she had encouraged him to begin over despite his prior mishaps. But she was dissatisfied when he generally failed to arrive for job, “he said.

Another officer recalled how he had worked hard to set up one-on-one conversations and dishes with Uvaraja and to send him holiday greetings to inspire him.

According to Mr. Shanmugam, some colleagues worked alongside SGT Uvaraja and made an effort to assist him, including covering his swings while he was away.

There is” a significant experience” among the soldiers that both SPF as a whole and them singularly contributed significantly to SGT Uvaraja.

Despite this, he appears to have blamed the SPF and his coworkers for many of his problems. And there is a lot of grief about that,” the secretary said.