PM Lawrence Wong calls for Singapore to embrace broader definition of success

Mr. Wong also acknowledged that he too felt the” same force to contend and compare with people” when he looked up on his own career.

He once felt the urge to leave the government, but he later developed friendships with coaches who encouraged him to work for the government and gave him a sense of goal.

He claimed that some young Singaporeans have told him that they do n’t want their self-worth and success to be measured solely by their academic and material accomplishments. &nbsp,

Let us also redefine what success really mean for Singapore as we refresh our Singapore vision. I have a dozen ideas”, he said.

We have grown used to judging some industries based on their fame. We should be available to the possibilities of how individuals can prosper.

We are glad for our younger talents and top achievers, but we should also be glad for our late bloomers and those who experience a backseat after a string of setbacks and failures.

Using the medical field during the epidemic as an example, he said that underrated champions such as nurses, therapists, occupational therapist and radiographers should be celebrated as much as specialists.

He continued,” Success means excelling at what we do now, persevering in it, and doing it with confidence rather than concern for achievement.”

Some people will choose to work at a slower pace to give their communities more time, but others may want to advance in their careers or start new businesses.

He urged Singaporeans to appreciate their resources and enjoy the success of others because it is” not a zero-sum race,” underscoring that each journey is unique.

Redefining the measures of success is a recurring design for Mr Wong, who was sworn in as Singapore’s Prime Minister next quarter, taking over from Mr Lee Hsien Loong, who is now Top Minister.

During an interview with the Singapore media just before the command change, he spoke about” embracing these distinct, several pathways of victory “in a” culture and system where every job is respected”.

At the start of the Forward Singapore Festival next October, he also&nbsp, said that&nbsp, the” Singapore Dream “is no more only about material accomplishment.