Pita tests positive for Covid

Six-times-vaccinated Move Forward leader says symptoms mild but he will self-isolate

Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat takes a selfie at a rally held to thank supporters in Lampang on June 14. (Photo: Move Forward Party)
Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat takes a selfie at a rally held to thank supporters in Lampang on June 14. (Photo: Move Forward Party)

Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat says he has tested positive for Covid-19 and will be self-isolating for a few days.

“On Sunday I started having a few symptoms. After that, I could not go out in public,” the prospective prime minister and head of the eight-party coalition said in a post on his official Twitter account on Tuesday evening.

On Tuesday, he said, an ATK test confirmed he had the virus, and while he has received six doses of vaccine, he has elected to stay home.

“I will be refraining from the mission for a while in order not to infect other people,” he said.

The eight coalition parties are scheduled to meet on Thursday to discuss more steps towards forming a government. Move Forward secretary-general Chaithawat Tulathon said the meeting would be postponed, and that Mr Pita expected to report as an MP on June 27.

Mr Pita advised people who had been in contact with him over the past week to observe their own symptoms as well.