Pita confident ahead of Move Forward dissolution ruling

Pita Limjaroenrat, chief adviser to the Move Forward Party, with reporters outside parliament on Wednesday morning, before the Constitutional Court handed down its ruling on the dissolution of the party. (Photo: Pornprom Satrabhaya)
Pita Limjaroenrat, deputy director to the&nbsp, Move Forward Party, with reporters outside legislature on Wednesday night, before the Constitutional Court handed down its decision on the breakdown of the group. ( Photo: Pornprom Satrabhaya )

Only hours before the decision, Move Forward Party’s deputy director Pita Limjaroenrat on Wednesday expressed confidence in the party’s written defense, the facts, and legal arguments that would maintain it received justice in the dissolution case brought against it.

He also acknowledged that some gathering Members had been asked to move to other parties, but said they kept their loyalty.

The Constitutional Court is scheduled to hand down its decision in the party’s breakdown case on Tuesday as Mr. Pita arrives in congress to get ready for a discussion on the Land Transport Amendment Bill.

Move Forward ( MFP ) is by far the largest&nbsp, of the parties in opposition to the government coalition.

If the judge’s decision adversely affected the group, Mr. Pita said he would continue to serve in politics. But, he had confidence in the group’s army, the&nbsp, information and the legal troubles inolved, and believed the party did receive fairness, the former MFP president said.

” The group has done all, to its maximum. But, I am not worried,’ ‘ Mr Pita said.

Mr. Pita said he saw proof of that in support of rumors that some MFP MPs had already been approached by other events to join their ranks if MFP were to bedissolved. Party MPs showed him they were offered&nbsp, wealth and jobs such as a deputy group leader. &nbsp,

Mr Pita said he had&nbsp, confidence in all MFP MPs, believing they would never trade the public’s trust for private gain.

If the court ordered the dissolution of Move Forward, he said he would n’t comment on the preparation of another party to which the MPs could move. &nbsp,

If Move Forward is found to be disbanded, all Move Forward MPs will switch to the under-recognized Thinkakhao Chaovilai Party.

Most political analysts have predicted that Move Forward, which won the most votes and tickets in last year’s general election, may be dissolved.

In response to a complaint made by the Election Commission (EC ) in March, the court was scheduled to rule later on Wednesday afternoon on whether Move Forward should be disbanded.

The surveys agency cited the judge’s earlier getting on Jan 31 that the group’s efforts to change Part 112 of the Criminal Code, the lese-majeste legislation, reflected an intent to destroy the democratic monarchy

The EC also requested that the court forbid the party’s senior officers from contesting elections in the future and forbid them from forming a new party’s executive committee for ten years.

Police put up placards with a message

In front of Building A at the Constitutional Court, police post signs affixed to the text” Media interview place.” ( Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham )