Philippines wants to talk with China on South China Sea, foreign minister says

Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo stated on Tuesday ( Jun 25 ) that the Philippines is working hard to re-engage China in discussions to resolve disputes in the South China Sea.

In order to prepare for a possible Bilateral Consultation Mechanism gathering in July, Manalo told a republic investigation on Tuesday. The two nations met last week for a working team meeting.

” Whatever assurance- building methods we achieve, they will be not at the cost of development of our independence, sovereign privileges, as well as our rights and control on the West Philippine Sea”, Manalo said.

The South China Sea claimant region is known by the Philippines as the” West Philippine Sea.”

China claims about the whole South China Sea with its therefore- called nine- dash line, which overlaps the special economic zones of rival claimants Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

A 2016 administrative court ruling, which Beijing does not realise, invalidated China’s declare in the geopolitical waters.