Philippines says China coast guard did not drive away navy gunboat

MANILA: On Tuesday, October 10, the defense commander of the Philippines dismissed a claim made by China’s coast guard that it had chased away an Indian army gunboat from around an unresolved shoal in the South China Sea as” propaganda.”

The beach guard of China was present and issued a problem. However, the army fleet continued on its course without being pushed off course. Romeo Brawner, the head of the Philippine Armed Forces, told reporters that it was carrying out its mission of coastal patrol.

It is still Chinese misinformation, in our opinion.

After the frigate disregarded numerous instructions, China’s beach guard claimed earlier that it had taken” essential measures” to pull it out of the Scarborough Shoal. The incident, according to Coast Guard official Gan Yu, was even a grave violation of international law.

The incident occurred one evening after China issued a warning to the Philippines not to engage in any further” threats” at an island in the South China Sea, claiming that doing so would be against international law, violate Chinese regional independence, and disturb regional peace and stability.

One of Asia’s most contentious marine features, the Scarborough Shoal serves as a focal point for disputes over independence and hunting rights.

Although the region is part of the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, China asserts” indisputable independence” over Huangyan Island and the waters surrounding it.

Since a conflict with the Philippines in 2012, Beijing has been in charge of the reef for more than ten years.

The 300-meter floating Chinese challenge that blocked access to the shoal was removed by the Spanish coastguard last month, according to reports.

Since Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos took office last month, relations between the Philippines and China have deteriorated. As a result of Marcos’ closer ties to Washington, more foundations and military installations can now be found in the northern areas close to Taiwan.