Philippines arrests Apollo Quiboloy, the celebrity pastor accused of sex crimes

The interior minister announced on Sunday ( Sep 8 ) that an influential evangelist preacher from the Philippines who is accused of sex trafficking and sexual abuse had been detained.

Apollo Quiboloy, self-proclaimed “owner of the world” and “appointed son of god”, is wanted on charges of child and physical abuse and related complaints of people prostitution. He has denied crime.

On his Twitter page, Interior Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr stated that” Apollo Quiboloy has been caught,” without specifying how or where he had been.

The priest is also on the FBI’s “most wanted” record in the United States on individual claims of sex trafficking and large cash smuggling, over which he has even denied wrongdoing.

On suspicion that Quiboloy was hiding in a bunker, over 2, 000 police officers were dispatched last month to search a sprawling compound in the southern city of Davao owned by Quiboloy’s church, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ ( KOJC).

Quiboloy is followed by millions of people in the Philippines, where religion officials hold large influence in elections. Rodrigo Duterte’s previous leader has a long relationship with him. &nbsp,