THE Propositions
Six plan recommendations were made by Mr. Leong and PSP NCMP Hazel Poa.  ,
Mr. Leong’s idea that one work permit owner be able to work as a stall assistant at each fried food stalls stall, including beverages and cut fruit stalls, to help with the staff shortage was one.  ,
Koh Poh Koon, the older minister of state for sustainability and the environment, made the comment that a “full liberalization” for foreign workers might” significantly alter the nature of our hawker centers,” a change some Singaporeans might not be able to take.  ,
He added that the government is attempting to strike a balance with the recent announcement that stalls stalls will be able to get long-term visitor pass holders as assistants starting on Jan. 1st, 2019.  ,  ,
Mr. Leong made the suggestion that the authorities completely abandon the stalls center stall procurement model.  ,
Alternatively,” we recommend a more flexible rent model” to lower rent and stop coffee shop speculation, he said.  ,
Dr Koh defended the recent buying structure, which he said is open, clear and simple.  ,
” It’s not a complicated program. Market mechanisms are put to use at stall centers thanks to a buying program, he continued.
The procedure enthuses potential hawkers who are ready to post a bid and who are committed to it.
A government agency you work with wholesalers to provide hawkers with less expensive ingredients through large purchasing, as suggested by Ms Poa.
Dr Koh said that some of these stalls areas have offered large getting providers, but the take-up has not been popular.
” Most already have established relationships with their existing providers, or are very specific about the origin and quality of the materials”, he said.