Parliament votes for amended motion on national reserves, rejects PSP motion to review fiscal policies

According to Ms. Indranee, the net investment returns contribution ( NIRC ) has remained stable at about 3.5 percent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) and has kept up with Singapore’s economy. &nbsp,

She pointed out that WP had recently opposed raising the goods and services tax and that, given Singapore’s recent investing patterns, the most recent increases are required. &nbsp,

” We must increase our spending in a number of important sections, and we will quickly require the funds.” nbsp

In his speech, Mr. Lee referred to the Constitution’s provisions on spending as” fair and just,” stating that 50 % of the money must be spent for the present and 50 % on the future. &nbsp,

He continued,” Keeping the resources in proportion to the GDP also happens to be the appropriate, sustainable proportion.” &nbsp,

Each era must devote within its means, but because of this, Singapore’s income may need to be updated from time to time, according to the Prime Minister. &nbsp,


According to Ms. Indranee, Pritam Singh, the leader of the opposition and WP, was wrong to predict that the reserves would grow progressively because money from land sales goes toward them.

She explained the drawbacks of using property sales as revenue, saying that “land sales do not entail revenue… enough to say selling land does not create new wealth.”

Being dependent on home cycles and having a reason to maintain high property prices are two of these.

According to Mr. Singh, since the property has contracts, it can be sold again. But, Ms. Indranee claimed that for the duration of the lease, no one could use the property.

However, PSP advised Singapore to treat the proceeds from property sales as earnings divided over the course of the rent, she noted. &nbsp,

According to Ms. Indranee, this is” never so different” from the government’s current strategy, but the difference is that it is invested and half of the profits generated are spent rather than spending that money of territory sales money directly. &nbsp,

Simply put, you have S$ 1 under PSP’s plan. The S$ 1 goes back under PAP’s strategy, and you receive more than a dollar .&nbsp,

She continued,” The plan to address territory in Singapore’s resources” as if it has no price” does not respect the sacrifice of those who gave up their land as a result of the Land Acquisition Act. &nbsp,

Because their land, which did go into the reserves, means something to them and to us when we built on it, and you should n’t treat it as though it is worthless, &nbsp,

Mr. Liang Eng Hwa ( PAP- Bali Panjang ) proposed an amendment to the movement, which was debated alongside the PSP’s motion. He was speaking about the ways in which Singapore benefits from its sizable resources to fend off speculative attacks on the Singapore dollar.

In order to assist current Singaporeans in reducing their financial obligations and improving their quality of life while planning and providing for future generations, the amended action stated that this House calls on the government to ensure that its resources and supply concentration policies often remain financially accountable and sustainable.