Papua New Guinea: Many feared dead in massive landslide

Papua New Guinea: Many feared dead in massive landslide

According to local officials and aid organizations, a large landslide that struck six rural villages in Papua New Guinea is feared to have left many people dead.

The landslide occurred at 03: 00 local time Friday ( 17: 00 GMT Thursday ) in the highlands of Enga, north of the island nation in the south- west Pacific.

It buried more than 100 buildings, Vincent Pyati, chairman of the local Community Development Association, told AFP media company.

No deaths have been publicly confirmed, and it was not immediately known how many people were trapped in the dust.

According to Enga government Peter Ipatas, the affair was an “unprecedented natural disaster” that resulted in” large damages.”

Online photos show dozens of people attempting to review the damage caused by the disaster. Some homes appeared to have crumbled and fallen plants.

According to reports, rescuers are having a difficult time sorting through the dirt.

On a video posted by Twitter users Kindupan Kambii from Kaokalam, Enga, individuals can be heard crying and yelling.

The incident is being” currently undergoing a scenario assessment,” according to the global humanitarian organization CARE.

Enga is more than 600km by path from the country’s capital, Port Moresby.