US Senate leaves 2001 authorization for secret wars in force

On March 29, the US Senate voted to repeal two Authorizations for the Use of Military Force (AUMFs), one passed in 1991 and another in 2002. The repeal now goes to the House of Representatives.  But those Authorizations are irrelevant to the present; they apply only to the Iraq war. A third AUMF, passed in 2001, was […]Continue Reading

Malaysia seeks to decriminalise suicide attempts

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is seeking to decriminalise suicide attempts, its law minister said on Tuesday (Apr 4), the latest in a recent slew of legal reforms pursued by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s government. The announcement comes a day after Malaysia’s parliament on Monday voted to remove the mandatory death penalty,Continue Reading

A water crisis of Turkey’s own making

Alarming meteorological imbalances topped with decades of poor water management are pushing Turkey to the brink of an avoidable hydrologic crisis. The data speak volumes. In 2022, Turkey experienced its warmest December in more than half a century, as the average temperature hit 8 degrees Celsius – 3.2 degrees above previous averages. The heatwave was […]Continue Reading

Why South Korea shouldn’t go nuclear

The North Korean nuclear predicament has haunted South Koreans for more than 30 years — yet the problem has gotten worse. While Seoul has always been uncertain about Washington’s commitment to extended nuclear deterrence, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol recently released an unprecedented and dangerously misguided level of support for nuclear weapons. In January 2021, […]Continue Reading

Huawei voices ‘confidence’ in face of continuing sanctions

Last year at this time, China tech giant Huawei revealed its 2021 financial results, posting a 29% drop in overall revenues, but with a surprisingly robust surge of nearly 76% in year-on-year profits, suggesting that it had, if only temporarily, found a way to innovate around US sanctions.  Last week, Huawei released its 2022 financial […]Continue Reading