Complimentary MICROCHIPPING Solutions
AVS said that in 2024, it microchipped a total of 2, 780 pet cat at 11 pet-related and animal security party activities.
The organization may be holding more than 30 quarantining inspires this year at locations like schools, community centers, some veterinary offices, and community events to meet the demand for free quarantining services.
On this site, cat users can sign up for microchipping positions. On the first day of the month’s opening, membership games for the quarter close at 12 p.m.
AVS also provided an update on the program for free sterilization and quarantining for pet cats in lower-income homes. It was launched in September of this year.  ,
In accordance with this program, which aims to prevent any unexpected breeding of pet cats from households that are unable to manage sterilization, more than 200 cats cats have been sterilized and microchipped.
This includes over 270 pet animals that were sterilized and microchipped during the captain Pet Cat Sterilization Days held in November 2023, February 2024, and May 2024, according to AVS.
The organization added that it is working with HDB and pet welfare organizations to create rules for cat fosterrs, who does in the interim grant licenses to all previously-bred animals.
” The licensing may get transferred to users when the animals are rehomed”, AVS said.