Oil spill clean-up: ‘Good progress’ at Sentosa beaches; more than 140,000kg of oil-soaked sand removed

Since Friday, workers on Sentosa have started been clearing oil on stone bunds and breakwaters, said the beach area, adding that it was a” hard and time- consuming task”.

” These places are harder to obtain than the shore, with uneven areas and fuel slipping into rock crevices”, it said.

Sentosa stated that it is working with specialists to” completely remove the oil and completely clean the pond” using specialized cleansing techniques.

On June 20, Grace Fu, the secretary for sustainability and the environment, declared that the removal of oil from stone bunds, piers, and other locations would be a” complex process.”

The stone bunds have uneven floors and are not as visible as beach shorelines. She had stated that oil that has slipped into the rock crevices needs to be thoroughly removed as well as the lagoon’s fuel.

Sentosa’s coastlines can still be reached by visitors to restaurants and attractions along the beach, according to the resort area on Sunday.