Nutri-Grade label to be extended to salt, sauces, instant noodles and cooking oil

” With sugar, we saw that labelling, marketing restrictions, working with business reformulation and then, public training… worked well in shifting both offer – in terms of the products – and consumer need”, said an HPB spokeswoman. &nbsp,

We are taking a plant from that playbook, but we are aware that calcium is very unique because it is an intermediate substance that is added ( to food ), and that is why we need more time to talk to the market, the spokesperson continued. &nbsp,

MOH and HPB said they had engaged over 80 companies, F&amp, B users, retailers and marketers in April and May this year on achievable measures to reduce customers ‘ sodium and saturated fat diet. &nbsp,

” In the retail sector, many manufacturers have begun their reformulation journey, and are committed to doing more. In the F&amp, B sector, tackling sodium and saturated fat content in dishes is more challenging, given the variability in added ingredients during cooking”, read the joint release.

” The F&amp, B operators also made it clear that it would take time for consumers to change their palates and accept lower-sodium dishes, as well as for businesses to adopt healthier ingredients,” the F&amp, B operators added.

According to HPB, 22 suppliers have leveraged its scheme to offer lower-sodium salt, sauces and seasonings as of June this year. &nbsp,

HPB stated in a press briefing that it would consult with the industry about the implementation details between September and the beginning of the year. This includes the nutrient thresholds that ensure that the Nutri-Grade measures are both feasible and practicable.

An HPB spokesperson said,” We do need to look at the different types of ingredients and then determine what are reasonable thresholds,” adding that this was more complicated than sugar or saturated fat.
” ( For ) sauces, seasoning … you have the full range from soy sauce, tomato sauce, oyster sauce, fish sauce … &nbsp, So cannot have the same threshold.

To ensure consistency and coherence between the Healthier Choice thresholds and the Nutri-Grade thresholds, each category will need to have its own thresholds. Healthier Choice products must qualify for ( a Nutri-Grade label of )’ A’ or B’, in addition to other requirements.”

According to MOH and HPB, more information, including the timeline for the labelling scheme’s rollout and compliance requirements, will be made available when it is ready.

” Broadly, I will say that industry … quoted us anywhere from three to five years ( for the implementation of the Nutri-Grade measures ), but it feels very long, so we will need to work with them to see if that can be accelerated,” said the HPB spokesperson. &nbsp,

The media inquired as to whether the Nutri-Grade label would replace the already-existing Healthier Choice Symbol ( HCS), a label used to help consumers identify healthier food ingredients and products, but HPB said it would not because the two labels complement one another. &nbsp,

The Nutri-Grade is really to entice consumers because they are aware that these have higher sodium, sugar, fat, and Healthier Choice frequently includes additional factors like whether it contains full grains (or ) calcium. So the two work in tandem. ” &nbsp,


The authorities are also making strides to increase the availability of healthier dishes and to nudge consumer demand, in addition to looking at measures to encourage manufacturers to reformulate their products and enforcing advertising restrictions. &nbsp,

There are currently good quantities of healthier salt, sauces, and seasonings in the market, according to HPB, but consumers and F&amp, B operators are still reluctant to buy these items. &nbsp,

Half of the market is made up of lower-sodium salt, such as pink Himalayan salt and sea salt, compared to one in four sauce and seasoning products. &nbsp,

In spite of this, HPB reported that only 3 percent of restaurants used Healthier Choice symbol salt, sauce, or seasoning alternatives as of June this year. &nbsp,

Similarly, HPB said only 12 per cent of eateries use healthier cooking oil.

HPB said it will increase voluntary labels for F&amp, B operators who offer healthier food options to put on their store-fronts to encourage greater adoption. This includes dishes that are prepared with less salt or sauces or are made with healthier ingredients.

The labels, which have the Healthier Choice symbol, identify F&amp, B establishments under the Healthier Dining Programme. As of March, more than 3, 100 F&amp, B operators, hawker centres and coffee shops, with over 9, 000 touchpoints and stalls island-wide have joined the programme, offering at least one healthier option in their menus. &nbsp,

HPB added that to date, it has worked with 40 hawker centers to educate customers on the value of reducing sodium and provide them with samples of the lower sodium products to try in their cooking. &nbsp,

HPB said it aims to engage about 60 hawker centres this year, and another 50 hawker centres in 2025, covering a total of 110 hawker centres. &nbsp,