NTUC Foodfare charged over improperly covered raw marinated chicken, preparing unsafe food

SINGAPORE: NTUC Foodfare Co-operative, which operates food judges and coffee shops and targets food for armed groups, childcare centres and make houses, has been charged over reported lapses in food security.

On Wednesday ( August 7 ), the business made another mention of its case in court after it claimed to be” social in purpose but commercial in approach” on Linked In.

It is accused of breaking the non-retail food business’s meal sales laws in three different ways.

According to the command plates, the business failed to ensure that meal at its 10 Senoko Way grounds was stored on Jul 25, 2023 in a way to avoid contamination.

According to the charge sheet, natural seasoned meat was not properly covered and was placed immediately below the flesh compressor room, where condensation was forming.

Unsafe meals was supposedly prepared at the Senoko location the same day.” Ready-to-eat fried fish with grilled sauce” was discovered to have a Bacillus cereus count that was unapproved.

A micro bacterium called Bacillus cereus can lead to stomach upsets or food poisoning.

Additionally, NTUC Foodfare is accused of failing to maintain and clean its registered food establishment.

In the kitchen’s grilling area, spots were discovered on the food mixer’s blades, along with crevices and cracked stones.

The food service provider’s attorneys claimed they needed more time to contact the trial for more information regarding two recently amended fees.

A further mention of the event was fixed in September.

If convicted, the business could be fined up to S$ 5, 000 per fee. If the offence continues, it faces a more fine of up to S$ 100 per day that the issue is not rectified.