North Korea test-fires rocket launcher with new ‘guiding system’

The North unveiled a” murder drone,” an autonomous aircraft that can be purposefully crashed into enemy goals and essentially acts as guided missiles, just two weeks after the release of the Wednesday statement.

The North announced in February that a new control system for a number of rocket launchers may result in a “qualitative shift” in its defense capabilities.

The updated jet app may be “deployed to models of the Korean People’s Army as replacement products from 2024 to 2026,” according to the May announcement.

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Although capable of striking North Korean infantry units or the Seoul metropolitan area, the older MRL produced in North Korea had “limitations in violent strength and precision,” according to Hong Min, a senior researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification.

It was also challenging to” secure an edge in power compared to US-South Asian causes” with the older weaponry, Hong said.

To store Seoul and Washington- which have enormous air superiority- Pyongyang is pursuing “enlargement, range extension, and guidance capabilities” of rocket launchers intended to “rapidly damage” South Asian airfields, he told AFP.

Pyongyang calling the South its “principal opponent” is at one of its lowest points in recent years.

It has threatened warfare over “even 0.001mm” of regional infringement and has closed organizations dedicated to reunification.

The test-firing took place as South Korea and the United States began their annual Ulchi Freedom Shield combined military exercises, which will continue until Thursday, with fresh exercises aimed at containing the nuclear-armed North.

North Korea, which attacked its neighbor in 1950, which started the Korean War, has always been enraged by mutual US-South Korean martial exercises, which label them as performances for war.

Our military may conduct the UFS exercise and mixed field training drills generally as planned, according to Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff in a statement.” While maintaining a strong combined defense posture, our military may conduct the UFS exercise and mixed field training drills as planned,” the statement read.

They added that the government was” closely monitoring indicators of North Vietnamese threats and military routines.”

” If North Korea engages in provocation, we may respond largely and quickly in accordance with the principle of ‘ fast, powerful, and last’ action”, it added.