North Korea hackers stole data from South Korea court computers: Police

Seoul police reported on Saturday ( May 11 ) that North Korean hackers stole sensitive information, including financial records of individuals, from a South Korean court computer network over the course of two years.

The nuclear-armed North has been accused of carrying out numerous significant attacks in the past, including a large number of them operating both inside the mostly remote nation and evidently abroad.

North Korean national authorities said the attackers pilfered 1, 014 gigabytes of data from a judge’s computer program from January 2021 to February 2023, citing a joint research with the country’s detective agency and lawyers.

The national police said in a statement sent to AFP that the thieves ‘ trojan” transmitted stolen information,” including South Koreans ‘ marriage and personal debt files, to “four domestic and four international servers” before it was finally “detected by browser technology.”

Authorities compared the detected harmful programs, client transaction details, and IP addresses to those found in earlier hackers cases attributed to Pyongyang after it was discovered that a North Korean hackers dress was responsible for the data breach.

5, 171 documents relating to personal debt rehabilitation cases, including marriage certificates and explanations of debt and the reasons for insolvency, were recovered and identified by Seoul authorities, who were only able to find and identify 4. 7 gigabytes of the stolen data, according to police.