North Korea fires ballistic missile with leader Kim away in Russia

Just hours before Kim Jong Un was scheduled to meet President Vladimir Putin in Russia, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea and the Japanese Coast Guard announced on Wednesday( Sept 13 ) that North Korea had fired at least one ballistic missile off its east coast.

The missile’s size and range were not quickly disclosed. However, the weapon had already fallen, according to the Japan Coast Guard, about five minutes after the launch notice.

The nuclear-armed North has regularly launched everything with a range that can reach as far as the United States, including short-range and cruise missiles as well as massive intercontinental ballistic missile ( ICBMs ).

United Nations Security Council resolutions, which were next passed with the help of Pyongyang’s allies in China and Russia in 2017, forbid all of North Korean nuclear missile and nuclear weapons actions.

Since therefore, Beijing and Moscow have demanded that North Korea’s restrictions be loosened in order to hasten political negotiations and enhance the humanitarian situation.