North Korea accuses US, South Korea of flying spy planes, ships

North Korea accuses US, South Korea of flying spy planes, ships

SEOUL: North Korea’s military government accused the United States and South Korea of ramping up surveillance activities around the inter-Korean borders, warning that it will work if its sovereignty and stability is violated, state advertising Efforts said on Sunday ( May 26 ).

North Korea’s evil defence secretary Kim Gang Il said the US had flown at least 16 of its RC-135 and U-2S corporate surveillance flights and RQ-4B helicopter over the Korean coast between May 13 and May 24.

He also accused South Korea’s military and beach guard of stoking military stress by stepping up police actions and exceedingly breaching the maritime border.

Kim even criticised advertising flyers sent in bubbles from South Korea, calling it a “dangerous offense”.

North Korean defectors and protesters in South Korea often send bubbles containing anti-Pyongyang flyers, alongside food, healthcare, money, mini radios and USB sticks loaded with North Korean media and plays.

” Even now, the US and South Korean marionette heat forces are constantly mobilising several plane with little or no time gap throughout the day, carrying out aerial reconnaissance activities at a level similar to wartime situations,” Kim said in a statement published by KCNA.

Those activities seriously infringe on North Korea’s national sovereignty and security, and will not be met with “offensive” countermeasures, he said.

” We will act immediately when the nation’s sovereignty and security interests are violated,” Kim added.