No reports of Singaporeans injured in Taiwan earthquake

SINGAPORE: There are currently no reports of Singaporeans injured in&nbsp, Taiwan’s strongest earthquake in 25 years, the&nbsp, Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( MFA ) said as it expressed its condolences to the people affected.

At least nine people were killed and more than&nbsp, 900 injured when the&nbsp, 7.2- magnitude quake struck abroad at around 8am local day, &nbsp, about 18km north of Taiwan’s Hualien City.

There were enormous floods on the island and tens of buildings were damaged.

The Singapore state extends its sympathies and sympathy to those affected by the earthquake that struck off Hualien, Taiwan on April 3, 2024, according to MFA in a press release.

Login stated that it has been contacting Singaporeans who have registered with the government and that it is providing the necessary consular help.

” In view of possible tremors, Singaporeans in Taiwan are advised to remain diligent, take all necessary measures for their personal health and follow the guidelines of the local regulators”, said the government.

Residents who are visiting Taiwan are encouraged to sign up for extensive travel insurance through MFA online.

Singaporeans in Taiwan who need diplomatic help you contact the Singapore Trade Office in Taipei at&nbsp, 886 2 2772 1940 or via its evacuation phone number&nbsp, 886 953 532 638.

They can also visit the MFA Duty Office at&nbsp, 65 6379 8800/8855. The helpline is available round- the- clock.