The current monkeypox outbreak usually causes a “mild and self-limiting illness”, based on available international information, Dr Puthucheary added.
“With globally 3 deaths out of a lot more than 20, 900 instances reported outside of Africa, the case fatality rate currently stands about 0. 01%, or even approximately 1 in 10, 000. ”
“As we all learn more about the disease, the particular Ministry of Health (MOH) will continually review and calibrate our response procedures to be commensurate with the public health danger. In line with the WHO’s recommendations, MOH has also provided appropriate advice and precautionary measures towards the public, including the at-risk population, to raise awareness and reduce the risk of onward transmission. ”
The Health Ministry may continue to closely keep track of the monkeypox scenario and further calibrate Singapore’s preparedness and response measures including vaccination strategies, as needed, added Dr Puthucheary.