New NParks guidelines will not impose restrictions on use of electric shock collars to train animals

The National Parks Board ( NPPs ) has released new guidelines that will not place any restrictions on the use of aversive animal training equipment, including electric shock collars.

Minister for National Development Desmond Lee stated in a written parliamentary response on Wednesday ( Apr 3 ) that the guidelines that NParks will be releasing are intended to highlight the risk of using these devices.

Additionally, the guidelines will propose effective training techniques that the community should adopt. &nbsp,

He was responding to a query from PAP- Nee Immediately Member of Parliament about whether the guidelines are taking into account a ban on distant electric shock collars.

” Following the release of the rules, NParks will continue to monitor the condition before deciding if additional steps are needed”, said Mr Lee on Wednesday.

NParks will continue to look into and take enforcement action in cases where animal training equipment causes needless pain or suffering for animals, as well as raise awareness of the least aggressive, leastly aversive method of canine training.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) has called for a ban on the use of electric shock collars, saying that its use is banned or” significantly restricted” in several countries such as the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland.

The use of electric shock collar for training creatures has come up in parliament before for the first time.

Mr. Ng requested an update on a review it conducted on the use of for collars for animal teaching next month.

Tan Kiat How, the senior minister of state for regional development, claimed to have professionally tested” a range of electric collars” on himself in a debate before the parliament on March 7. &nbsp,

” On a range of one to 10, in terms of spectrum, I probably got to about seven, and it ( was ) very painful – marks were shown on the skin.

Because the animal or whoever is wearing the electrical collar wo n’t know when the shock is applied, he said,” but it’s not just the pain but also the shock.”

In 2022, the multi- customer Rehoming and Adoption Workgroup (RAWG )- comprising NParks, pet welfare groups, vets and puppy trainers- published guidelines to standardise practices in puppy rehoming and adoption, as well as training and behaviour rehabilitation.

MND reported in March that NParks had more consulted other animal industry partners regarding the use of electronic collars and were developing guidelines to identify the risks of using aversive dog training equipment.

” Unfortunately, these guidelines recommend good techniques to become adopted by the society, and are not meant to be officially legal, “it said then.

It further stated that it will not bother to check and get enforcement actions under the Animals and Birds Act when “unnecessary problems or suffering” is caused to animals.