New deputy speaker expected next week

After Padipat Suntiphada loses to the Move Forward collapse, the Bhumjaithai Party is seeking re-election.

Padipat Suntiphada chairs a session of the House of Representatives on July 31. He lost his MP status as a result of this week’s Constitutional Court ruling that dissolved the Move Forward Party and banned 11 executives. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)
On July 31 House of Representatives program is presided over by Padipat Suntiphada. Following the Move Forward Party’s dissolution and the ban of 11 managers, the Constitutional Court ruled this week, and he lost his MP position. ( Photo: Chanat Katanyu )

According to chief authorities punch Wisut Chainaroon, Padipat Suntiphada lost his MP reputation as a result of the Constitutional Court’s dissolution of the Move Forward Party, and the House of Representatives is scheduled to pick a new second lieutenant House speech on Wednesday for his replacement.

The alliance partners will discuss the matter with Mr. Wisut, an MP for the Pheu Thai Party, who said the place needs to be filled by a member of a authorities party.

Bhumjaithai, the second-largest group in the alliance led by Pheu Thai, has made no secret of its need to have one of its people in the place. However, Mr. Wisut claimed that there are other issues that need to be taken into account.

” Come delay. We’ll get the first lieutenant House Speaker following week for positive”, he said on Thursday.

Whoever is chosen must adhere to the rules of the House, remain politically neutral, and ensure proper operation, he said.

Many individuals come to mind, said Mr Wisut, while acknowledging that Paradorn Prissanananthakul, a Bhumjaithai MP for Ang Thong, is thought to possess the necessary skills.

Although some critics claim that the House Speaker and the two representatives belong to the state union, Mr. Wisut asserted that these assertions are unrelated to attention work. The criticism has perform to the standards set by the MPs.

According to a cause in Bhumjaithai on Thursday, Pheu Thai should not have control over the party’s primary deputy position. According to the source, next lieutenant Pichet Chuamuangphan, a Pheu Thai MP, may move up to get first deputy in this situation so a Bhumjaithai MP may fill the next deputy position.

Former Prachachat Party leader Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, the speaker of the House, was chosen to put an end to Pheu Thai and Shift Forward’s tried partnership formation try after the elections next year. Move Forward eventually moved to the opposition.

Walk Forward had nominated Mr Padipat, an MP for Phitsanulok, for the speaker’s position but he ended up becoming primary assistant under the offer.

Eventually, however, problems developed when Move Forward was asked to take over as the opposition’s direct party. One of its people cannot serve as a lieutenant or speaker of the house. &nbsp, &nbsp, Mr Padipat arranged to get “expelled” from Go Forward— he afterwards joined the Fair Party — in order to keep the lieutenant author’s position.

He served as a gathering professional prior to this week’s Supreme Court decision that disbanded Move Forward and forbade 11 executives from social activity for ten years, despite not serving as an MP.

In Phitsanulok, a by-election is scheduled to be held shortly to fill his vacated seat.