New criteria for welfare cards

Welfare card requirements updated

Social Security: A fresh round of membership for the tickets will be held, likely on March 31, according to Deputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat. New requirements for the state security tickets have been set.

As part of preparation, a council is re-evaluating the eligibility standards of 14.5 million people for the next step of the program, he said.

The Fiscal Policy Office has been instructed to update the two-year conditions, adding that new requirements may include asset holdings and property ownership.

Existing users who meet the new requirements will always retain their benefits.

The program is open to Indian nationals who are 18 or older, include an annual salary of not over 100, 000 ringgit, and have a complete family income of not more than 100, 000 baht on average per year.

Another restrictions, such as those related to financial assets, substantial funding, and real estate ownership, even apply.