National defence classmates support new PM’s policies

Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra receives a bouquet from class president Col Ekkarat Singhapong at the National Defence College in Bangkok on Monday morning. (Photo and video: Wassana Nanuam)
At the National Defence College in Bangkok on Monday night, Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra receives a flower from Col Ekkarat Singhapong, the leader of the school, in a flower. ( Photo and video: Wassana Nanuam )

Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra’s classmates in a new executive course at the National Defence College ( NDC ) have declared their support for her and her government’s policies. &nbsp,

When she attended a conference of the national defense education for potential managers at the NDC in Bangkok on Monday, Ms. Paetongtarn was assured of her support. &nbsp,

Members in the course shared their thoughts on the results of their latest trip to China.

During the conference, group president Col Ekkarat Singhapong presented a flower congratulating Ms Paetongtarn on attaining the league, on behalf of all her 149 colleagues in the fresh “mini-NDC” program.

Col. Ekkarat claimed that every single one of her colleagues had a promise to support the plans of her government to the best of their ability.

Ms. Paetongtarn thanked them for their cooperation and offered to take party pictures.

The program, launched this time, is aimed at mid-level soldiers of the armed forces, civil servants, business professionals and others including social media influencers, actors and actresses. It aims to increase members ‘ awareness of national security and develop important, analytical, and leadership abilities.

Ms Paetongtarn was among the 150 persons chosen&nbsp, to enter the initial mini-NDC program. There were over&nbsp, 500 candidates. The program runs from April to September.

The majority of the participants are civilians from different areas, including politics, and the majority are military forces colonels or senior police officers.