National Day Rally 2024: Singapore to review rules and processes to reduce regulatory burden for businesses

SINGAPORE: Formerly, to put up a helicopter show in Singapore, organisers had to get a force, record every second aircraft and put a sticker on each aircraft.

With some shows using over 1, 000 drones, this meant more than 1, 000 stickers and&nbsp, over S$ 25, 000 ( US$ 18, 970 ) in compliance costs, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in his first National Day Rally speech on Sunday ( Aug 18 ). &nbsp,

Although there are legitimate reasons to enroll robots, such as for aircraft security and safety, the challenges are reasonable for shows held in pre-approved areas. &nbsp,

” But after receiving this opinions, we streamlined the procedure”, said Mr Wong. ” Now you only need one permit for a show, regardless of how many drones you use … And no more stickers” .&nbsp,

A present using 1, 000 robots now incurs only S$ 500 in compliance fees.

He made a point about how important it is to reduce the regulatory stress and, in Singapore, foster a business setting. &nbsp,

Mr. Wong stated that there could be more done in this regard and that he had appointed Deputy Prime Minister Gan Kim Yong to lead a” thorough and strategic overview of our guidelines and processes, and trim them back where possible.”

Mr. Wong added that he also wished for reasonable treatment of the authorities who were performing their duties.

” Each time an event happens, be it an damage at a work, or a meal poison epidemic, the officials come under great pressure to tighten the regulations more”, he said. &nbsp,

” Each new rule may seem small, but the small changes add up” .&nbsp,