Myanmar shopowner caught selling smuggled goods on Koh Phangan

Police seize contraband goods at a grocery run by a Myanmar woman on Koh Phangan in Surat Thani on Wednesday. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)
On Wednesday, police seize illegal items from a Myanmar woman’s groceries in Surat Thani, Surat Thani. ( Photo: Supapong Chaolan )

A Myanmar person has been detained for operating a seized goods retailer without permission and selling contraband cigarettes and other illegal goods on Koh Phangan, a popular tourist island.

Local leaders, multiculturalism and local authorities soldiers raided the store on Wednesday and arrested the landlord, Aye Ae Khaing Oo, aged 36 years.

They found and impounded a range of illicit products, including instant noodles, canned tuna, coffee and international smoking.

The girl was accused of operating a company without permission as a foreigner.

At the store, two gentlemen from Myanmar were also detained. Soe Min Niang, 27, was charged with working outside the words of his work force, and Phyo Wai Soe, 28, a client, was charged with unlawful entry.

All three were turned over to the Koh Phangan officers place for legal actions.

Two Myanmar men are also arrested for illegal entry and working beyond their work permit. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)  

Two Burmese people are also being detained by police who seek the store. ( Photo: Supapong Chaolan )