Myanmar poet turned rebel leader seeks new territory; worries about ‘ephemeral revolutionaries’

TO AK-81S FROM BB Artillery

Maung Saungkha sought training and support from cultural armed organizations that have been fighting for greater autonomy for years when the BPLA was established two months after the revolt in Myanmar’s borders.

According to Maung Saungkha, the BPLA used to only train with wooden weapons and Flo guns. However, now they also own M16 rifles, AK-81 guns, and other weaponry from allies.

According to him, the BPLA collaborates closely with the Arakan Army( AA ), which provided training, and the Karen National Union( KNU ), whose territory it is based on.

Both organizations acknowledged that the BPLA was fighting alongside them.

According to Nicola Williams, an analyst at the Myanmar Research Centre of the Australian National University, opposition forces have gained territory and caused significant damage to the junta.

She added that their work were hampered by competition between armed groups for arms and tools and that they needed to move” beyon creating confusion and problem” in urban areas and work up to acquire strategic sites in order to have a greater effect.

In a letter to Reuters, Brigadier General Nyo Tun Aung, the AA’s deputy commander-in-chief, stated that Maung Saungkha has developed” good and close relationships” with the leaders of” ethnic revolutionary organizations.”

According to Nyo Tun Aung, the BPLA had gained support by creating” the same innovative heartbeat.”

Yoe Aunt Min claimed that although the BPLA had many options, it couldn’t quickly become active in Bamar-majority areas due to the large number of militias there.

She said that in addition to getting in touch with PDF troops to work with them, it could give on small drone-operating units.

She continued,” We’ve also received requests to train others, so we might begin as trainers.”

PROBLEMS WITH Money AND Confidence

Maung Saungkha stated that financing is a continuous problem, despite the fact that the BPLA has support from supporters for food and other supplies.

According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, some military ethnic groups have long relied on drug smuggling for financial support. However, the BPLA claims that its only sources of independent funding are gifts, sales of hoodies and other items bearing the logo of the company, and Maung Saungkha’s writing books. This was not freely confirmed by Reuters.

The UN has claimed that Myanmar’s military leaders are to blame for random attacks, mass killings, and extrajudicial executions. In comparison, China and Russia arm the coup. According to the coup, it is conducting lawful operations against” jihadists.”

After two years of fighting, some soldiers have fled, feeling lonely, tired, and exhausted, according to Maung Saungkha, who would not say how many soldiers make up his group.

” Ephemeral rebels will hurry home this year; now it’s just the pass stage.” There are still a lot of fights to come, he said.