Myanmar armed groups accuse junta of breaking China-brokered ceasefire

An ally of Myanmar ethnic armed groups has claimed that the junta has repeatedly violated a China-broken peace in the northwest of the nation this month and has resulted in human casualties.

After months of fighting that displaced more than half a million people near China’s southern border, Beijing brokered a ceasefire between the dictatorship and the so-called” Three Sympathy Alliance.”

The alliance, which is made up of the Ta’ang National Liberation Army ( TNLA ), the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army ( MNDAA ), and the Arakan Army ( AA ), was able to hold large areas of the territory it had seized in northern Shan state thanks to the ceasefire.

Junta troops launched an airstrike on the TNLA’s territory on Wednesday ( Jun 19 ), the group reported.

” In this event, one citizen was killed and 3 wounded including a 10- year- ancient child”, the TNLA said in a statement posted to the group’s Telegram stream on Wednesday.

One TNLA part was killed and four others were seriously injured when a drone strike by junta troops was launched on Tuesday, the TNLA added.

It claimed the junta’s latest violations of the month were the shelling of TNLA opportunities, cutting roads, and restricting the movement of goods to TNLA-controlled towns.

A coup spokeswoman could not be reached for comment.