Mother admits splashing hot water on her 4 children

A 33-year-old single mother admitted to splashing hot water on her four children in Singapore on Monday ( Jun 24 ) because she thought one of them had stolen her money.

The Singaporean woman admitted to one count of neglecting a baby in her attention, with additional three counts of neglecting her other kids taking into account when punishment.

According to gag orders to protect the identities of her children, she may be identified.

The court heard that the person’s children were aged eight, nine, 10 and 11 at the time of the crimes in July 2022.

On the day of Jul 2, 2022, she asked her oldest kid, an 11- yr- old woman, to fetch S$ 20 ( US$ 14.70 ) from her pocket to buy bread for breakfast.

The woman informed her mom that the budget just contained S$ 5.

The girl was surprised, as she recalled having S$ 60 in her bag the night before.

She suspected that one of her kids had robbed them and had given them instructions to go looking for the money.

THE Pouring

If they could n’t find the money, the woman waited for them and threatened to splash hot water on them.

The girl boiled water in the kitchen while the children were searching for the money. She went to the room where her children were after filling a third of a cup with the popular liquid.

They were instructed to return the money by her to turn the hot liquid in their path.

The children’s mothers refilled the glass with warm water and splashed it at them once more, but they continued to deny the kids.

She repeated this until she had previously splashed each child. The youngsters cried and yelled out in the hallway before being scalded by the water.

The girl noticed that her nine-year-old boy had burned on his body when the kids stopped the research to get ready for school.

She observed the traumas of her other children, who also had related injuries.

Before calling her girlfriend to come over, she began to cry and massaged the girls with medical crude. &nbsp,

Singapore Civil Defence Force officers called an ambulance after that.

Only one of the kids, the 10-year-old woman, who was the second oldest, was named in court records for her injury.

Over 10 % of this girl’s body, including her left arm, stomach area, and thighs, were burnt to a superficial partial thickness.

She had to go for chronic wound examinations and dressing changes as well as general anesthesia while receiving care and wound dressing.

The lady was past reviewed in October 2022 by the KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital’s Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

Her left arm had a smooth wound that was likely to last for a lifetime, measuring about 2 cm by 1 cm.


The defense requested a parole eligibility report, but the prosecution refused to do so.

Despite the victims ‘ vulnerability and severe offending, deputy public prosecutor Tin Shu Min noted that the accused has made efforts to improve her situation.

According to Ms. Tin, any statement will also affect her family.

The defendant’s lawyer, from the Public Defender’s Office, said his client had individual- decisively raised the four children after overcoming a weak family background, an aggressive ex- husband and persistent melancholy disorder.

” She has overcome all of that to offer for her children, notwithstanding that she was a waiter with only PSLE training”, said the lawyer.

He claimed the girl put in long hours and sought assistance from social media to improve her self-care and support for her children.

While juggling her finances and constitutional battles with her ex- partner, the woman also “found time to love and maintenance” for her children, said the attorney.

He added that this was the first day this had happened, that the person has since experienced severe sadness, low spirits, and has been treated for major depressive disorder.

The attorneys claimed that the children adore their family and want to be reunited with her, and that the appropriate social organizations are also working toward reconciliation.

According to him, the children were taken from their mothers and placed in three different homes as a result of the latest allegations.

The Child Protective Service has indicated that it would “move towards reconciliation” if the person is sentenced to supervision, said the solicitor, pushing for supervision as it is in the children’s best interests.

A record was requested by District Judge Tan Jen Tse to determine whether the woman was fit for supervision.

Nevertheless, he stressed that even if it was recommended, he was certainly bound to follow the advice in punishment.

He told the woman,” He does not agree with them, even if the prosecution and defense decided that supervision is the right sentence.”

She nodded.

The prosecutor urged the judge to keep working to improve and take good care of your kids.

Sentencing was adjourned to August.