More ministries, more problems? Indonesia’s Prabowo faces business, corruption risks if cabinet is expanded

STIRRING Conflicts

People of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, who supported Mr. Prabowo’s vote charge, have been discussing the idea of adding more ministers to the approaching government’s case since next month.

” There is a need ( for more ministers )”, Mr Budiman Sujatmiko, the coalition’s advisor told Tribun news portal on May 7. Jokowi wants his strategic plans to be put into practice right away, such as free lunch, cheap schools, and public housing in rural and urban areas.

Prior to the Feb. 14 presidential election, Mr. Prabowo’s global campaigning focused on the free breakfast initiative. Mr. Prabowo received 59 percent of the votes, and the Indonesian General Elections Commission has publicly declared him the win.

” In terms of the number ( of ministers ), the president elect, Mr Prabowo will consult legal experts about it. Can we spin off ( several ministries )? Can we replace ( several ministries ) in the form of agencies? Will there be a government for food and nutrition? We may see”, said Mr Budiman.

Experts see the move as nothing more than bacon chamber politics, the use of federal funds for local tasks, designed to accommodate his coalition partners, despite the coalition’s claim that the prospective larger management is meant to speed Mr. Prabowo’s important election promises.

” With a huge- small cabinet, Prabowo can provide many interests, including those which are now in the opposition camp”, said Mr Burhanuddin Muhtadi, a visiting fellow at the ISEAS- Yusof Ishak Institute.

At the February election, Mr Prabowo was supported by a coalition of nine political parties, four of which managed to secure seats in the national parliament: Golkar, the Great Indonesia Movement Party ( Gerindra ), National Mandate Party ( PAN ) and the Democratic Party.

The National Democratic Party ( Nasdem ) and the National Awakening Party ( PKB), which originally supported Mr Prabowo’s rival, Mr Anies Baswedan at the polls, have both expressed their interests in joining Prabowo’s coalition of parties. Both events have also secured tickets in the 2024 congress. &nbsp,

The team of Mr. Prabowo is still negotiating with the two other parties with enough votes to secure seats in the upcoming parliament: the Prosperous Justice Party ( PKS) and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle ( PDI-P).

Parties may obtain 4 % of the total number of national vote in order to be eligible for a chair in the national parliament. &nbsp,

Prabowo also needs to consider volunteer organizations and individuals who were instrumental in his campaign, such as the Prabowo-Gibran Digital Team ( PRIDE ), and Projo, the former volunteer group of outgoing president Joko Widodo, said Mr. Burhanuddin, adding that Prabowo also needs to think about the Prabowo-Gibran Digital Team ( PRIDE ), which is the former volunteer group of outgoing president Joko Widodo. &nbsp,

” Now that Prabowo won ( the election ) everybody will want a slice of the pie”, Mr Burhanuddin added.


Thus far, only the PDI- P has expressed its refusal of the probable case growth. There may be little opposition to passing this law revision because the party just controls 19 % of the latest parliament.

But, past arranging minister for politicians, rules and safety, Mahfud MD opposed the idea of adding more departments.

At a conversation held at the Indonesian Islamic University in Yogyakarta on May 8th, the law doctor said,” The bigger the number of departments, the bigger the source of corruption.”