Here is an extract of the talk:  ,
Eunice Chua, CEO of FIDReC:  ,
So we might question,” Do you often do online shopping? What websites do you frequent frequently? Do you purchase purchases on social multimedia?” And then through these conversations then the customer has this realisation,” Yeah, maybe (around ) that time I did click on this link and there was this attractive deal”, or” Oh I was playing this game, and there was an internet pop-up, and I just clicked on it”.
Actually, it’s really terrifying that we can lose so much of our information when we just click on something, even if we don’t realize it. This has allowed some scammers to access information on our phones, or to be able to obtain information from specific websites, etc. This has resulted in a customer not being aware of what transpired, which is similar to a damaged token situation. But from the bank’s perspective,” Oh this was proper” . , There was an OTP keyed in.
Andrea Heng, number:  ,
The ( two-factor authentication ) was done and all that.
Eunice Chua:  ,
These are both patients.  ,