Minors rescued from karaoke sex bars

In Buri Ram, police discover young women working at two places.

Police question a suspect at an illegal karaoke bar in Prakhon Chai district of Buri Ram on Tuesday. (Photo: Wassayos Ngamkham)
On Tuesday, police issue a suspect at an improper singing bar in Buri Ram’s Prakhon Chai district. ( Photo: Wassayos Ngamkham )

According to the police Anti Trafficking in Persons Division ( ATPD), six underage girls have been rescued from raids at two illegal&nbsp karaoke bars in Buri Ram.

The restaurants in the Prakhon Chai area of the northern state, where the attacks took place on Tuesday night, were Phop Rak and Muean Fan.

Police in Phop Rak discovered victims of human trafficking who had been sexually abducted by female customers while they were under the age of 18. One of the women was under 15 years old.

At Muean Fan, authorities said they did not discover evidence of human smuggling, but found adolescents working fraudulently as clerks or bargirls.

Phop Rak’s user Kruea Fah, 36, and her Chinese employee are accused of trafficking minors under the age of 15 together. They immediately denied wrongdoing, authorities said.

User of Muean Fan, Pimnapha, 25, was accused of operating a house and coercing and encouraging minors to engage in illegal activities.