Meth pill possession rules set to tighten: Somsak

Meth pill possession rules set to tighten: Somsak

Meth pill possession rules set to tighten: Somsak
Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsuthin

On Wednesday, public health minister Somsak Thepsuthin announced his intention to reduce the number of opioid devices a person can have before being charged with a criminal offense.

Five is the latest level. Recently, possession of 15 pills was classified as a murder. The sum was decreased last year by the Ministry of Public Health.

Following his first professional board meeting, Mr. Somsak, who was lately appointed, stated that tackling the problem of narcotics is one of his top priorities.

He wants to change the National Narcotics Act’s prohibitions on possession of stimulants so they can be more in line with those in place of the” small amount” that can be categorized as being for personal use.

According to him, all parties will work together to determine what a” small number” should be, and the government will develop policy recommendations that include both amphetamines and cannabis.

At this time, those found with less than five capsules are treated as people and have the option of receiving treatment.

If a user is only convicted of one or two tablets being in possession of one or more, they are also given some liberty as a result of concerns that police may soon overload prisons.

Mr. Somsak stated that the ministry would collaborate attentively with drug-related organizations to address issues like providing appropriate medical and rehabilitation care.

Any medication user who attempts to leave their recovery, he added, will face legal action. One in five drug-related cases leaves before receiving state-issued therapy.

He said that before deciding whether to reinstate the flower on the narcotics list, with the exceptions that were made for its medical use, he may gather more public input.

Mr Somsak refused to identify whether hemp use in the future would need a doctor’s prescription, simply saying the problem may be discussed.