Media leaders decry sensationalist news shows

The conference discussed how dramatizing conflict and violence is violate human rights.

Media leaders decry sensationalist news shows

Leaders in the media market have increased their criticism of news programs that promote drama and interpersonal conflict.

They contend that these programs violate children’s rights, especially those of kids, and that they account for two-thirds of all news programs.

The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission ( NBTC ) held a recent seminar to discuss these ideas.

NBTC director Pirongrong Ramasoota said the insulting programmes focus on stories about murder, violence, sexual matters, disputes, supernatural beliefs, strange and shocking events and other issues, presented in a serious and mental fashion to get audiences.

They typically involve face-to-face discussions between two disputers, according to Ms. Pirongrong, and are related to social injustice.

According to figures from a Media Alert review, these programs now account for up to two-thirds of news content.

Media Alert, a project funded by the Office of the Thai Media Fund, aims to analyze media consumption patterns, social media coverage, and media consumption patterns and release its findings to the general public.

Sensationalised news programs frequently target marginalised parties, said Ms Pirongrong.

She said,” This emphasizes structural violence while presenting physical violence to emphasize existing social inequality.”

The ministry’s policy, according to Santi Kiranand, an assistant to the Minister of Social Development and Human Security, aims to protect the rights of younger people, people, the disabled, the elderly, and those who are romantically different because they are frequently badly depicted in these media programs in a way that encourages hostile sentiments toward them.

He emphasized the importance of protecting journalists ‘ rights and freedoms from other people.

Supinya Klangnarong, the head of the Thailand Consumers Council’s Telecoms and ICT committees, claimed much self-regulation by the media sector is needed to solve the issue.

She urged the NBTC to market a plan to cut down on children’s news reports.