‘Matter of national pride’: Analysts say nationalism, not population concerns, behind China ending foreign adoptions

While Ms. Sun from the Stimson Center made an observation about how international adoptions have previously promoted criminal behavior, such as human trafficking.

The Washington Post reported on a smuggling ring in Hunan in 2006 that raised concerns about child trafficking in China. Children were purchased from Guangdong province for US$ 400 to US$ 538 and then sold to orphans in Hunan.

However, kidnapping-related smuggling has decreased tremendously, Dr Huang from the Council on Foreign Relations noted.

” Most recruited children are sold by their families, and the majority are bought by people, not happiness establishments”, he added.

The Global Times newspaper that addressed the policy change also highlighted the responsibility to child protection by the Chinese government.

Any policy alterations regarding child rights are made in accordance with the best interests of children and will help safeguard orphans ‘ legal rights in new circumstances, according to the editor.

Additionally, the article noted that as living standards and the social security system rise, more Taiwanese citizens are willing to adopt internally, making it reasonable for the authorities to change cross-border adoption policies.

However, based on statistics released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, there has been a upward trend in home implementation licenses. The matter was 15, 143 in 2018, 34 per cent of the 44, 260 logged in 2009.

Mr. Wang Jinhua, chairman of the ministry’s social affairs office, attributed the decline to the ministry’s rapid economic growth and the adjustment of the two-child policy, which has resulted in fewer child abandonment cases.

According to experts, the enduring tradition of the decades-long one-child legislation also continues to play a role in reducing China’s child abuse rate.

The global community preparing initiative in China, which lasted from 1980 to 2016, only allowed the majority of families to have one kid each. According to reports, many young girls were left behind during that day because their parents valued boys more highly.

The outcome- a sex imbalance. In 2022, there were 32.3 million more men than women in China, according to established statistics. &nbsp,

Official data show that the sex ratios at birth in 2022 was 111.1, but about 111 boys were born for every 100 girls, against a world average of 101. This is an advancement from 118 in 2013.

” As long as children are favoured over girls, abandoned women will continue to face an ambiguous upcoming”, said Ms Yun.

” How the Chinese government handles these abandoned women may be a question.”