In truth, Mark is so special that he would anticipate that his coworkers would leave their devices at home while they were working.  ,
” Sometimes, even Lee Teng, when we’re hosting ( Mediacorp variety show ) Body SOS and I see ( him ) put his phone in his pocket, I also cannot take it”, he sighed.
When asked if he had told Lee Teng off when, Mark exclaimed:” Yes”!
The Left Profile artist was therefore addressed by him in a camera-like manner. ” Lee Teng, I told you before, right? But you never alter, you also put your handphone ( in your pocket ). I do n’t know what’s so important ( that you need to have your phone with you )”.
Judging from Lee Teng’s email in the comments area, he did not feel remorseful at all.
” Y cannot put handphone in my pocket? ( sic )” wrote Lee Teng, adding three laugh- crying emojis for effect. He next made fun of the fact that because the studio is so cold, he uses his mobile as a steam group.
When ex- Netflix number Kate Pang suggested Lee Teng “put ( his phone ) in Mark Gor’s bag next time”, he quipped:” Great thought! Therefore I shoot a TikTok video”.
Now we have to know if Mark was quietly yelling when he was filming these TikToks on collection.