Maris touts global ambition

Minister speaks at the UN General Assembly in the US

Maris: Stresses Brics bid
Maris: Stresses Brics pay

Foreign Affairs Minister Maris Sangiampongsa emphasised the importance of Thailand’s bid to join Brics, a league of countries that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) during the 2024 United Nations General Assembly ( UNGA ) in New York.

During a public discussion of the 79th Conference of UNGA, held from Sept 24 until Tuesday, Mr Maris delivered a declaration emphasising the government’s commitment to people-centred policies and its focus on lasting socioeconomic development.

He also emphasized the need for measures at the UN to address global problems and promote peace and security in order to end issues all over the world.

The minister made reference to Myanmar’s circumstance, which Thailand has been supporting peaceful relations there with its near neighbor, and which Thailand has been donating humanitarian aid to.

Mr. Maris also emphasized the value of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and Thailand’s contribution to promoting cooperation between the World North and South through its plans to join the OECD and the Brics.

He claimed that this assistance is crucial to resolving global problems like climate change.

Every industry and every nation have a shared duty to lessen the impact of climate change on human rights and protection, he added.

The foreign affairs minister cited Thailand’s commitment to upholding and upholding human rights as a basis for its 2025-2027 name in the United Nations Human Rights Council.

He also emphasized the need to foster a upcoming where everyone is protected and may live through international cooperation, with Thailand’s commitment to foster cooperation and trust between nations.

Mr. Maris also had the opportunity to meet representatives of the Thai society, the media, and the business community in New York during the UNGA journey.

He applauded the Thai community’s determination and cooperative attitude in supporting the embassy and consulate’s goal.