Man who died after being stung by hornets likely cycled past just after nest broke off: Coroner

A hornet nest in a tree along the Sembawang Park Connector was likely present for months when a swarm of a fallen fragment fatally attacked a cyclist, a coroner’s court discovered on Friday ( Sep 13 ).

The primary nest was well-camouflaged and 12 meters up in a tree close to the Sembawang God of Wealth church, so an arborist and pest control personnel were likely to have missed it.

According to the home of the later Mr Ronnie Ang, the 60-year-old gentleman enjoyed exercise, especially riding. His wife reported cycling along the plaza port at least once every three weeks, while his daughter claimed he did it fairly frequently.

On Jul 4, 2022, &nbsp, Mr Ang had good travelled past the tree immediately after part of the colony broke off and fell on the ground, said State Coroner Adam Nakhoda.

The scorpions, which are typically not violent, then entered a defensive or aggressive function and struck Mr. Ang.

Expert testimony who testified at the inquiry speculated that the part may have broken off because it was attacked by a monster like a bird known as an exotic fruit bird.

Mr Ang was covered with wounds, with the chemical affecting his critical tissues.

He was taken to the hospital, but he passed away three days later, with his last cause of death ruled a multi-organ failure result from an insect attack with underlying coronary heart disease.

In his studies, the prosecutor said the health treatment rendered to Mr Ang during his attendance to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) was “reasonable”.

He claimed that KTPH had acknowledged that contact with the home” could have been better” in a letter to Mr. Ang’s child.

” I would urge hospitals to have… (timely ) communication to the next-of-kin, especially in critical events”, said the coroner.

The first symptoms of Mr Ang’s state was allergy, which is a a lethal allergic response. But this was later proven false, as scientific information did not support this conclusion.

He did not show any scientific evidence of allergic, such as a swollen lips, mouth or eyes. Nevertheless, he was even treated for an allergic response with medications such as medications.

The medical staff began therapy to help Mr. Ang’s liver and kidney issues when his first heart check returned and revealed raised inflammatory heart, liver, and liver markers.

Despite this, his situation worsened and he died on the day of Jul 7, 2022 after being transitioned to” happiness care” in view of health folly.

A specialist claimed that there was no common antidote for insect venom and that no toxicology testing was available to identify the insect from which the venom came from.


The prosecutor said it was impossible to determine the nest’s years, but an professional report suggested that, based on its size, it was roughly five to eight months old.

If this was the circumstance, the nest would have been in the trees maybe from November 2021 to February 2022, or was built during that time, said the coroner.

He claimed that a National Parks Board ( NPS) arborist who conducted an inspection in March 2022 might have discovered the nest when it was already there. The arborist had no indicated seeing a hornet’s nest.

Additionally, two additional May 2022 encounters where NParks companies failed to find the eggs.

During the six weeks before the incident, there was one statement of a “bee” sighting- in earlier June 2022

NParks set up pest control the following day to test for a bird or wasp nest near the temple, but no such thing was found.

No bird, hornet, or eggs action were discovered by NParks officials during an inspection of trees along the garden port on Jun 7 and 9, 2022.

The arborist and companies were likely to have missed the eggs because it was not immediately apparent, according to the prosecutor.

It was 12 meters high in the trees, good concealed by branches and camouflaged by the canopy.

According to a certified professional, hornet nests can mix well with the surrounding foliage and tree bark and may not be visible with the unaided eye.

This was made even more clear by the fact that when another pest control companies were hired on July 5, 2022, they did not notice what lay 12 meters up in the tree despite reviews from the people requesting the removal of eggs remnants from the ground.

The next piece of the colony was only discovered two days later when it was finally discovered. The nest’s hornets were subsequently removed, along with the rest of the carcasses.

Eventually, a distinct nest nest on a various tree was taken out.

According to the prosecutor, there is no reliable way to stop hornets from breeding. They do not limit nest-building to certain types of trees, and you build their nests everywhere.

When a public part notices a butterfly or hornet nest, they if” clearly stop” from approaching the nest. &nbsp,

Alternatively, they may visit NParks as soon as possible to review the sighting.

The prosecutor declared Mr. Ang’s death a tragic mishap and sent his condolences to his wife and daughter, who were present at the hearing and could be seen gushing away tears during the results.